Agile RE by Lean Six Sigma - how AI techniques can be used to support Agile RE practitioners
Thomas Fehlmann and Eberhard Kranich
This talk presents how ISO 16355 improves agile product development by using statistical methods for requirements engineering, including understanding customer needs and focusing agile development on customer needs. A free graphical Excel tool is presented that can be used on top of Jira to visualize the focus on customers and help the development team to find the functional or non-functional requirements that make the product attractive and the customer happy. The methods used for uncovering customer needs and predict customer enthusiasm with the new or improved product are Six Sigma Transfer Functions. This kind of functions include not only QFD matrices but all other kind of neural networks with weighted nodes that can be used for Deep Learning, for instance, or visual recognition, or Large Language Models. It is discussed how these AI methods can be used in the practice of agile development environments to improve the product based on the creativity of the team and how visualizations make AI understandable, acceptable and useful.